[email protected] +91 175 5000011

General Admission Guidelines

  • Information published by the university in this Prospectus, university website, advertisements or otherwise in any manner must be read in conjunction with supplements, updations, rectifications, clarifications, corrigenda, notices etc. as and if issued by the university from time to time. Applicants and others concerned must ensure that they know up-to-date information before applying for admission or for any other purpose whatsoever.
  • Any degree/diploma obtained from a University, Board, Council, Institution, College etc. recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) or Council of Boards of School Education in India, Delhi (COBSE) or incorporated by an act of the central or state legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an act of Parliament or declared to be deemed to be a University under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956, or recognized as an equivalent qualification by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India or any other concerned apex body as applicable shall be considered for admission to the university. In case any degree/ diploma obtained is not recognized by UGC or COBSE or any other concerned apex body as mentioned above, the result of the entrance test or interview (if applicable) and admission if granted, shall stand cancelled and the applicant shall have no claim, whatsoever against the university. Fee and other charges, including amount for provisional registration paid by the applicant, if any, shall stand forfeited and the applicant shall further be liable to pay  the fee and other charges for remaining/ entire duration of the programme.
  • Applicants shall be required to produce certificate/documents in original or otherwise, during the admission process and even thereafter, as and when instructed by the university.
  • Original certificates of an applicant normally will not be retained and will be returned after verification; however, if required, the university may retain original certificates for verification from the Board/Council/University from where the certificates were issued.
  • If, on verification of the document(s) at any stage or otherwise, an applicant is found ineligible for admission his/her Eligibility test/Entrance Test/GD and/or Interview, as and if applicable, and also admission to the university if granted, shall stand cancelled and the case may be handed to the relevant authority under the law of land. If such instances go undetected during the admission process but are detected in subsequent semesters/ years, such disqualification will take place with retrospective effect. In such a case, the applicant shall have no claim whatsoever against the university. Fee and other charges, including amount for provisional registration, paid by the applicant if any, shall stand forfeited and the applicant shall further be liable to pay the fee and other charges for remaining/ entire duration of the programme. The verification process, including authentication from certificate issuing agency (if required), may take 1 year or more after the start of session. So, to safeguard their career, the applicants must themselves ensure regarding their eligibility before taking admission.
    • Applicants who are either awaiting the result or due to appear for qualifying exam, may also apply; provided that the result of the qualifying exam must be furnished to the university either by the last date of provisional registration or at the time of admission, or by the last date as specified by the university.
    • In case an applicant fails to produce the proof of fulfillment of the prescribed eligibility criteria or any other document prescribed by the university or fails to provide original documents for verification by the stipulated date(s), he/ she shall not be considered eligible for admission, and admission, in any case, if granted due to any reason, shall be cancelled and the applicant shall have no claim, whatsoever against the university. Fee and other charges, including amount for provisional registration, paid by the applicant if any, shall stand forfeited and the applicant shall further be liable to pay the fee and other charges for remaining/ entire duration of the programme.
  • Application Form(s) received without fee(s) or otherwise incomplete in any respect or received after the stipulated dates for submission may not be considered/evaluated for admission or may be summarily rejected without assigning any clarification or intimation.
  • Submission of Application Form(s)/ Fee or any other document and/or acknowledgment thereof by the university or generation of ID card and registration number etc. does not guarantee admission to any programme or allotment of any facility of the university.
  • The university shall not be responsible for any postal delay or loss in transit.
  • The eligibility criteria for various programmes are specified under Programme Details section of the Prospectus. Rounding off marks for calculating aggregate marks is not allowed.

Other Fees

  • In addition to programme fee and other charges prescribed under programme details, applicants will be required to pay fee and charges for such other facilities/ purposes, as and if applicable and/ or announced by the university, as the following:
    • Employability Enhancement Programmes (EEP)/ Professional Enhancement Programme (PEP)
    • Competence Building Activities including but not limited to Soft Skills, Business Communication, Personal Development, Communication Skills or any other related activities conducted in the shape of group / individual classes or group / individual sessions (interactive or otherwise) may be online using web (internet or intranet) or by making use of some software modules or some sort of test series etc.
    • Various Software / Applications for different platforms like laptop, PC Tablets, Mobile Phones etc. required for various activities of academic / professional learning, evaluation, routine or specific usage or for other purposes during the course of study in the university
    • Diagnostic / Pre-Assessment / Assessment / Benchmarking Tests
    • Summer School / Summer or Winter classes
    • Placement Registration Fee and Placement Activity Fee
    • Re-evaluation and/ or Scrutiny Fee
    • Reappear/ Make up Examination Fee
    • Special fee in addition to re-appear/make up examination fee, in case university has to arrange the examination specially or separately for a student or group of students
    • Backlog courses/ subjects
    • Additional courses/ subjects pursued during regular term/semester
    • Personal Contact Programme (PCP) Fee
    • Workshop / Training / Internship/ Survey etc.
    • Tours including educational tours and visits including industrial visits
    • Optional or compulsory courses/ subjects/ certifications/ trainings offered in tie-up with industry/ educational/ training institute
    • Programme Transfer Fee
    • Migration Fee
    • NOC/ Migration for joining elsewhere, if permitted
    • Vehicle Registration and/ or Parking Fee
    • Term Evaluation fees, Thesis evaluation fees, Lab, Experimentation and other fees
    • Transport, Residential (Hostel) fee
    • Membership Fee for Professional Bodies
    • Subscription Fee for Newspaper, Magazines, Journals etc.
    • Alumni Association Fee (in the last semester/year)
    • Convocation Fee
    • Eligibility verification or authentication fees
      • Various Letters/Certificates issued by the university including but not limited to Migration Certificate, Bona fide Certificate, Certificate specifying certain Course requirements, Academic Transcripts of a term/semester or a year or the whole Programme, Provisional Degree/Certificates, Detail Marks Card and any other certificate as issued by the university on student’s request or otherwise
      • Any expenditure incurred for written/ telephonic/ electronic/ by post communication with the students/ parents/ guardian etc.
      • Kits / dresses / uniforms for sports activities / cultural and co-curricular activities / labs / workshops etc.
      • Charges incurred on opening/running of Bank account and I-Cash Card/ Scholar Card/Payment Card/Debit Card/Credit Card and online payment in any form and any other instrument which facilitates the payment by students to the university and its associates and such other arrangements
      • Exam centre change fee
      • Any other fee/ charges as prescribed by university from time to time
  • Government taxes, levies, service tax, GST and such other charges, if any, as and when applicable shall be payable by the student and will be added to the fee due to student.
  • Unless otherwise specified, the fee for other facilities/ purposes as described above, shall be charged in Indian currency only.

Payment of Fees

  • The fee(s) and other charges must be deposited by the stipulated date, failing which admission shall be declined/ cancelled. No correspondence or appeal in this regard will be entertained.
  • In case a student is not able to pay the fee on or before the date prescribed by the university, then he/she shall seek permission in writing from the university. However late fee, as decided by the university from time to time, may be charged for late submission of fee.
  • Fee (Programme and Examination) must be paid in the form of Demand Draft (DD) except for purchase of prospectus/ study material fee.
  • Applicant must always write Applicant's Name, Father's Name, Contact No., Application No. (if any), Admission ID No., Programme applied for and Programme Code on the backside of the demand draft.
  • Incomplete or wrong demand draft will not be accepted.
  • If the last date for payment of fee is a holiday, the fee should be paid on the first working day after the holiday.
  • All types of fee and charges as prescribed by the university and the various facilities provided by it are subject to revision/change from time to time.
  • In case a student is given waiver of any course(s) in any term and is allowed to register for lesser than prescribed number of courses/ subjects, no relaxation or waiver in fee will be given and full term fee will be charged.
  • In case the payment is made through Net Banking/Credit Card/Debit Card, etc., then additional charges (as levied by concerned banks/ mediator/ external agency) for such payments will also have to be paid by applicants.
  • Fee, once processed, is not refundable.

Change of Programme/ Specialization(s)/ Elective(s)/ Medium before the Stipulated Date
Request for change of Programme/ Specialization(s)/ Elective(s)/ Medium may be entertained only in the First Year/Semester of the programme, according to the dates mentioned in the Academic Calendar/ Important Dates. For this purpose, an applicant is required to fill the prescribed form (to be obtained from university or such other places as specified by the university from time to time) and deposit the same along with the requisite fee, as per the schedule/ dates stipulated by the university. However, such a change will be purely at the discretion of the university.

Programme transfer is subject to fulfillment of eligibility and other admission requirements and any other condition prescribed by the university.

In case the student is found ineligible for a specific programme for any reason, the university may transfer the programme of a student based on his request or otherwise.

Important Note:-

  • A student whose programme transfer is accepted by the university will be liable to pay the Programme Fee and other charges as prescribed for the programme in which transfer has been done.
  • In case a student is allowed to transfer to a programme having lesser fee, the balance will be adjusted in the fee of the next term.
  • In case programme transfer is done after the start of session, then no compensation for loss of Attendance or for any component of Continuous Assessment will be given.

Late Admission
Application for admission will not be entertained after the last date of admissions. However, the university may allow late admissions because of exceptionality of circumstances.
In case an applicant is admitted after the start of programme/session, no compensation for the loss of any component of Continuous Assessment/non receiving of Study Material or otherwise will be made by the university.

Intimation to Applicant about Confirmation of Admission
The university will send e-mail/ SMS to the applicant, on the e-mail ID/ mobile number specified by the applicant in his Application Form, providing the status of his admission within 2 months of his submission of Application Form to the university. In case an applicant does not receive such e-mail/ SMS from the university, he/ she must contact the university and get status of his/ her admission. The university shall not assume any liability for any ignorance or default on the part of the applicant or any other concerned, or in case of change of correspondence address or mobile number or mobile being switched off or network failure or mobile being registered under Do Not Disturb (DND) services or change / default in e-mail address etc.


  • The university reserves the right to introduce, modify or withdraw or discontinue any programme/course at any point of time.
  • The university may upgrade admission of student(s) to any programme at any time, as deemed appropriate, provided it should not affect the student(s) adversely.
  • The university may discontinue a programme if the number of admissions in that programme is less. In that case the fee of the concerned students will be refunded without any deduction. Such students shall have no other claim against the university.
  • Any course(s) / term(s) of a programme may be offered in combination with course(s) / term(s) of other programme offered at any Department/School/Institute/Faculty of the university or outside the university with other educational institute/ university or industry or any Government or Non-Government or any other organisation.
  • It is the responsibility of the students to procure and install licensed/ legitimate software/ applications for different platforms like laptop, PC Tablets, mobile phones etc. as required for various activities of academic / professional learning, evaluation, routine or specific usage or for other purposes during the course of study.
  • Scanner (hand held), internet dongle (device to enable wireless access from computer/ laptop to the internet via high speed broadband) or any other gadgets can be made compulsory at any time as per requirement of the programme during the course of study.
  • Unless otherwise specified by the university, the medium of instruction, examination and question paper will generally be English in all cases except in specific language programmes.
  • Unless otherwise specified by the university, the question paper will be in English only but in exceptional circumstances students may be allowed to answer questions in Hindi/ Punjabi or other regional languages as per the requirement of the course.
  • Curriculum related information will be made available on the university website www.lpude.in
  • The nomenclature used in Programme Details part of Prospectus may be different from the nomenclature of degree / diploma/ certificate, as applicable, to be awarded for the concerned programme.
  • Nomenclature of programmes, degree, diploma, certificate etc. may be changed as and if prescribed by the university or the concerned apex body.

In case of any matter not covered herein and/ or for interpretation of any content herein, the decision of the competent authority of the university shall be final and binding on all concerned.

Study Material

  • Facilitation/ support for the study/ Study Material, if any, shall be provided by the university through online learning resources/ mode; however, Personal Contact Programme (PCP), if any prescribed by the university, shall be conducted at the University Campus, Phagwara, Punjab (India) only.
  • Study Material may be made available to the student after allotment of Registration Number or after the commencement of session.
  • Students will get Study Material through LPU DE website (www.lpude.in)/ LPU e-Connect. However, if a student wants to take printed Study Material, then he/ she is required to pay prescribed Study Material Fee separately at the time of taking delivery of the Study Material.